March 01, 2013


It's been quite a day, 
quite a month, 
quite a year.

"2013 is my year" I say
Oh boy,
fuck that, eyy. 

I'll write a Uni paper 
He'll play his Playstation
It's not that I mind the playstation thing,
 he works hard.
But its me.

Sometimes I think "Damn, you're good at letting people have a good time" 
And I feel good.
But sometimes I think
"Who does that for me?"

I spend all this time trying to make you smile
Trying to make sure everyones happy
But no one sees.

Why is it,
that no one is around when I am sad?
To pull me back up
and take away the bad?

The scars sit there
faint and blurred.
They burn a bit 
when I remember why I wanted that hurt. 

So take your fist
your gun and knife
take it through. 
live your life. 

September 04, 2012

Heartless Cover :)

Breaking My Own Heart

Have you ever thought that all the pain we go through in terms of other people is self inflicted? I mean if you let yourself care so much about another person they are bound to hurt you eventually, this can be anyone; teachers, parents, boyfriends/girlfriends, siblings, best friends, horrible bitches, normal friends etc. So I was thinking about it last night whilst I was doing my pre-sleep think fest. The only reason we allow ourselves to be hurt by the people we love, is because we make that sacrifice. Its the ones that we choose to keep around despite them hurting us that counts. I'm actually talking about a family member that has decided to disregard my feelings and put their opinions above my feelings... The best way that I have to combat this is putting up photos that make me happy.

August 22, 2012

Made To Move

I believe that as humans, we have an obligation to nourish and move our bodies. I don't care how you do it, whether it be dancing around your bedroom or running up and down a stair case... JUST GET YOUR BODY MOVING

Don't be a lazy person, who just makes excuses. Get up and move. I don't care if you are in pain. My dad says that pain is just weakness leaving the body.
After running 12km today, I am in so much pain. But I feel better for it.


August 21, 2012

Once Upon A Time

So the inspiration for this post comes directly from those who I can imagine being around for my entire life. I am not saying that I wont meet new people, and envitably I will lose contact with those who I cannot imagine life without now. But that's part of the journey.
This is my Once Upon A time.

On one of the Coldest Days In June....

I was born in the women's hospital in Carlton, Victoria. 

I grew up, travelling all around the world with my family.

My closest Friend, My little brother....

My inspiration to keep going... My little sister

I've learnt to appreciate and treasure my wonderful, beautiful mother and trust and cherish the company of my goofy father. Together they have nurtured me into a mature young adult, and are always going to be my best friends.

I loved to sing from the moment I could make noises. Even if it made me nervous- It taught me to always take a chance on things that you love.

And through my many schooling experience... I have met the most amazing, unique people.

Fallen for the most unlikely, uncommitted guy. 

 And through all of this, I have come out for the better

..... SORT OF

July 30, 2012

Self- worth

Have you ever had one of those days where you just think "Holy crap, I am one ugly human being".... Let me tell you... you're not. I know how easy it is to feel like that, and it's even harder when you have people around you that name call because they think it's funny or a term of endearment.
When people say to me they hate something about themselves I just counter that and say... what do you like about yourself?
This morning I woke up, looked in the mirror and said "Jess. You are one seriously pasty chick" But then I thought. That's ok, let's look at the positive things. I like my eyes, I like my lips and I like how my body actually has a shape- other than stick or ball. There is nothing wrong with those shapes, but my point is that we all need to start accepting ourselves the way we are. I did this survey this morning (feel free to do it) by Mission Australia.

Negative Relationships

It made me reassess how I see myself.
Sometimes making yourself feel better about how you look or how you are means that you have to remove those people in your life who negative. I mean... that's easier said than done...

Sometimes.. You really do just have to cut off all ties.
Step 1: Make a list of the things that that person does that you don't like or makes you feel bad
Step 2: Delete/ throw away their number. Don't tell them that you are doing it, and don't say goodbye
Step 3: Surround yourself with positive people.

Mirror Hate

You don't like what you see in the mirror. Great. That means that you care. Last year I refused to look in to a mirror that didn't just show my face. I actually covered all my of my full length mirror in magazine articles about positivity and only left a space for my face. (Excuse the rhyme). I have come to realize that it's not healthy to hate how you look. Every one was born different, whether you are skinny or fat, stunning or average, tan or pasty (like me), it doesn't matter. As long as you're healthy you are fine. Image doesn't reflect the inside and it's silly to spend so much time and effort trying to make yourself look like the person you think you are.

Step 1: Combat every negative that comes into your mind. Eg. My face is covered in pimples.... but my hair is looking really good today
Step 2: Reassure yourself that there is nothing wrong with you. BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WHO YOU ARE
Step 3: Talk to a good friend about how you feel. Sometimes reassurance from someone else is the best thing.


When I say be assertive, I don't mean be a bitch, I mean look out for yourself whilst looking out for others.
There is no point you stressing about what other people think, and therefore not doing something because you don't want people to think badly of you. If you want to say something, say it, and say it loud. Don't whisper it. You are not a mouse. You are a person and you deserve to be heard.
If you listen to people, then you therefore deserve to be heard. It's just the simple logic of being social. Don't be afraid of saying something that goes against the other person, because sometimes that is what can make a friendship. I know that if I come across someone who agrees with everything I say then it's going to frustrate me and eventually bore me. Don't be like that. You all have an opinion. So let's start using it.... don't just let it sit there in your mind. 

July 24, 2012

50 Shades Trilogy

Christian Grey... What a guy.
No seriously.... Why? Why did I have to find out about this book in the most important year of schooling? Why does E.L James have such skill that she can momentarily trick me, ME!, into thinking that my next relationship is going to be like this. Stupid. Silly Jess.

Any way, the book is great, for guys and gals. Guys can take a lesson from Mr. Grey and Girls can just enjoy the thought. Her description of the landscape and the emotions are so intense that in some parts I was crying, and in others I was crying. I can't believe there is going to be a movie! I have been thinking about the actors I would picture... and he's what I've come up with so far.

Christian Grey

Seeing Alexander Skarsgard  as Eric Northman in HBO show True Blood, I have been convinced that he deserves the role. Utterly. 

Anastasia Steele

Amelia Clarke.... Just so awesome.


Emma Stone

Elliot Grey

Paul Wesley